Jess Louise: Artist | Creative | Muse

Through My Eyes: A Visual Journey

I have been visually intuned my entire life. My eyes have brought me to various places of wonder and imagination through the colors and shapes that have caught my wandering eyes. I have always been intrigued by photography, but it wasn’t until my early 20’s that I actually owned a camera of my own. My childhood and teens were mainly filled with photos taken on my grandma’s polaroid or with one of my many disposable Kodaks that I had purchased from a local drug store in my hometown.

I have always been a sucker for black and white photos. However, I have found over more recent years that I have grown a new appreciation for the ambience of color. Black and white always felt more defined with the lines, the shading and the shapes. However, color brings with it its own character to the playground that is photography.

My confession here is that I own a really nice camera that I invested in several years ago, having had every intention to use it and hone in my skills. However, life happened. Family happened. Mental health issues happened. So many of the things happened, and that camera bag has been tucked away for way too long. I hope to change that in the coming time. I feel the creative spark rising up in me again to capture moments of life that we otherwise would only hold in our memory.

So I hope you will join me for this new chapter of my artistic adventure. My heart is to capture some of my favorite types of images and bring a whole new world to life…through my eyes.

Some of my favorite types of photography include:

-street (including graffiti)





-black & white

…and more…

Photo Gallery