Jess Louise: Artist | Creative | Muse

Adventures Across Realms: A Collection of Short Stories

Since I was a child, my imagination was relentless. The way I was able to open myself up to the world of fantasy and play still leaves me speechless to this day. Having grown up on a farm part-time and oftentimes with no one to play with, the animals became my comrades and the corn fields my playground.

From the age of 14 or 15 years old, I knew that I wanted to be a screenwriter. It was my utmost dream to writes scripts and stories and bring them to life on the big screen. I even got accepted to two universities out of state who both had a film studies program, but I fearfully chose against attending them and instead chose a school in New York state due to financial uncertaincies. Unfortunately, the university I attended didn’t have any kind of film studies program or anything related, so I instead followed study path in education and eventually social work.

Sometimes I do wonder how differently my life would’ve turned out had I overcame my fears and pursued my dreams, despite any possible hardships. I still have this pull towards this beautiful form of artistic expression. Who knows, though. I’m still relatively young, and I can only hope that my life is far from over. Maybe there is still a chance that I can chase this lifelong dream of mine.

In the meantime, I will keep writing the stories. I’ll keep sharing about my life, the lives of others and any other fantastical narratives that my brilliant mind, heart and soul can concoct into existence. Because there is not much that brings me greater joy than entering the realm of the unknown, the multiverse, the place where nothing is impossible and everything can coexist. I get to create these worlds to my liking, and so here I present to you some of my stories, some fact and others fiction. Some my own endeavors and others formulated in the clouds.

Coming soon….